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Plymouth Youth Lock In

Who:  Middle School Students & High School Students & friends welcome.  

RSVP by Wednesday May 15th so that we can plan accordingly. Sign up here:

Where:  Plymouth Congregational Church at 925 Vermont St. Lawrence Kansas (use the door across from Wheatfields Bakery on Vermont St. to check in).

When:  Dinner is at 6:30 pm. Students must check out with a chaperone before they leave.

Pick Up is at 9:00 am sharp on Saturday

Give: We are asking for youth to bring items to donate to Just Food. Just Foods most needed items are:


granola bars

canned tomatoes


pasta sauce


peanut butter

meal kits (Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, etc.)

grocery bags & boxes for packing groceries for shoppers

A packing list will be sent out closer to the lock in!!


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