During Confirmation at Plymouth Congregational Church we will explore our faith together and learn about the Christian tradition in an open-minded, inclusive environment. Our confirmation curriculum allows each student to articulate what they believe and how they feel called to live out their own unique faith expression in this season.
At the end of the confirmation program (in spring of 8th grade) the students are given the opportunity to officially join Plymouth Church during the confirmation ceremony. The confirmation program is robust and offers each student a rich small group opportunity, alongside dynamic small group leaders.
We will also explore local service opportunities to help us connect with Plymouth’s mission partners and service-learning opportunities which fuel our faith. Our confirmation program also emphasizes worship attendance & parent/family involvement.
Confirmation Requirements:
Our Confirmation students will be enfolded in a vibrant, nourishing community where they can grow and flourish on their faith journey. With this goal in mind, we covenant together to honor these commitments:
· Attendance at all large group events, small group fellowship nights and service projects. Please tell your small-group leader if you know in advance that you will have to miss any event.
· Weekly attendance at worship (September-April). Fill out the worship journal at each worship gathering. If weekly attendance is not possible for your family in a particular season, please contact Caroline.
· Confirmation Retreats (Fall & Spring)
· Baptisms. Students must be baptized before they are confirmed.
· Confirmation Worship Service in April (for 8th grade students)
· 8th Graders will receive a mentor (along with their small groups leaders).
Confirmation Retreats:
Confirmation retreats are life-changing events when 6th-8th grade confirmation students and their adult small group leaders get away from everyday life, spend time building relationships with one another and with God, and write up their faith statements (at the spring retreat).
The Confirmation Retreats are an important part of Plymouth’s Confirmation program.
2021-2022 Confirmation Calendar (link will be active when calendar is available)