Who: Middle School Students & mentors from Plymouth & Colonial UCC will gather for a fun night of teaching, small groups & games. Middle School studnets will gather at 6:00pm
Plymouth High School students are welcome to join for games from 9:00pm-11pm (check in at the north door across from Wheatfields).
What: Bring $10 for dinner, a snack & drink to share!
We will be masking for this event, practicing social distancing & eating outside in the courtyard.
If there is inclement weather we will social distance and eat in small groups in different locations.
RSVP by Wednesday October 27th so that we can plan accordingly.
Where: Plymouth Congregational Church at 925 Vermont St. Lawrence Kansas (use the door across from Wheatfields Bakery on Vermont St. to check in).
When: Dinner is at 6:00pm and pick up is at 11:00pm sharp! Students must check out with a chaperone before they leave.
Sign Up Here: https://plymouthlawrence.breezechms.com/form/242cab72