During Confirmation (6th-8th Grade) at Plymouth Congregational Church we will explore our faith together and learn about the Christian tradition in an open-minded, inclusive environment. Our students will be given the opportunity to articulate what they believe and how they feel called to live out their own unique faith expression in this season. Please sign up here: https://plymouthlawrence.breezechms.com/form/63898a
At the end of the confirmation program (in spring of 8th grade) the students are given the opportunity to officially join Plymouth Church during the confirmation ceremony. The confirmation program is robust and offers each student a rich small group opportunity, alongside dynamic small group leaders. We will also explore local service opportunities to help us connect with Plymouth’s mission partners and service-learning opportunities which fuel our faith. Our confirmation program also emphasizes worship attendance & families will receive regular communications including discussion guides for your own conversations at home. Friends are welcome to drop in and check out our confirmation program!
What if my student is in the 8th grade and signs up? Our 8th grade students will get extra curriculum/experiences this year since their confirmation programming year will run 1 year (instead of multiple years).
What if we have a friend who wants to attend the middle school youth programming? They are welcome to attend our upcoming Youth & Families Orientation on August 15th at 5:30pm. Sign up here: https://plymouthlawrence.breezechms.com/form/242cab
Friends are also always welcome to try out confirmation throughout the year to see if they want to sign up. Our monthly Youth Service Corps Projects & “Late Nights” are also open to friends!
The Late Night sign up is here: https://plymouthlawrence.breezechms.com/form/242cab Email Rev. Caroline Lawson Dean with any questions.